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Hello, I'm Leanne.

Transitioning from traditional medicine working as a nurse to embracing the spiritual dimensions of healing, my journey has led me to profound practices. After moving to Mexico, I discovered my innate knowledge of shamanic healing, connecting with ancient wisdom and channeling loving energies for clients.


My training in dolphin-assisted therapy in 2018 reignited my past-life connection with these wise beings, facilitating deep, intuitive healing. This shift to mystical healing has empowered me to guide others to self-healing by tapping into their ancient wisdom and guides.


My purpose is to help clients remember who they truly are on a soul level in order to walk their authentic path.

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You are the greatest project you will ever work on. Restart. Reset. Refocus. As many times as you need. Just don't give up.

The Healing Journey

The journey is about more than healing; it's about equipping yourself with the tools and insights to rediscover your authentic self and navigate successfully in the 3D world. If you're ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery, I invite you to connect with me for your free 30-minute consultation. Together, we can uncover the deeper meanings of your emotional and health challenges and work towards a vibrant, joyful life. Reach out to start your transformative journey today!

Customized Retreat Packages and Partnerships Available

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Copyright© 2024 Leanne McLaughlin Intuitive Healer

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