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Dolphin Healing Therapy


What is Dolphin Healing Therapy?

Dolphin healing therapy is an alternative therapeutic approach that involves a beautiful connection between dolphins and people with various physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges. They can help us to heal on all levels and awaken to our soul's purpose by clearing blocked energy in our bodies. Dolphins are a bridge to our connection with the Universe. Do you feel a soul connection with these angels of the sea? Come to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and experience their magic!


Dolphin healing therapy is for anyone! If you have manifested physical disease or illness like cancer or diabetes, struggle with anxiety or depression or even if you would like to enhance your spiritual growth. These beings have the ability to clear energy blocks that are the root cause of many problems and may accelerate your transformation.

Who can benefit
from dolphin therapy?

How Do Dolphins Help?

The dolphin’s sonar is a powerful tool that allows them to scan and pinpoint energetic and physical blocks and then clear these energies. Leanne works with the dolphins to channel energies through the client’s body and assist in this process. She interprets messages from the dolphins that are meaningful to you.

Leanne Dolphin Healing Flyer.png

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